
quick follow up

I've just finished working on my message for Sunday where i tell everyone that Jesus didn't die for you...

He died for God.

Part of my proof is in Rom 3.26 where Paul tells of how God used the death of Jesus to ensure that God was "just and justifier."

Jesus' death allowed God to be just and fulfill the curse of the broken covenant with Israel through the Law (Ex 24)...and bring mankind to justice for the sin that ravaged all of humanity.

BUT because God took the punishment upon Himself (as the person Jesus who was fully God) He enabled Himself to be the justifier.

Just AND Justifier.

Is good...does good.

Because Jesus died for God, we can have open access to all that God has in store for those who love Him.

Is good...does good.

even i can't complicate that...and i can complicate anything.

that is what brings us back to worship day after day.

"You are good and Your mercies endure forever..."

oops...i tipped my hat.

More later



Megan Dorris said...


Susan Cowger said...

As much as I love the universe to be ALL ABOUT ME--indeed, Jesus dying was for the Father. The consequence of that sweeps me off my feet.

Craig and Bethany said...

WOW. Completely. Takes my breath away. I am suddenly ravenous to know this FATHER. "No one comes to the Father except through me." It's more than just escaping Hell.

I'd love the hear the whole sermon. Do you have a link anywhere on line for stragglers to audit your sermons?